Mixels Wiki

[Episode opens above the red curtain and pans down to the props chest and Cubit table. Gobba and Kraw walk onstage and look at each other, laughing. Kraw takes a Cubit and holds it towards Gobba.]

Gobba and Kraw: (Slowly) Mix!

[Two theater masks come out of the Cubit and swirl around them, as laughter is heard and Kraw and Gobba look around nervously.]

Gobba and Kraw: Mix!

[Mix has a mime costume and makeup. He puts up his hands, then snaps them together. Accordion music plays in the background.]

Gobba and Kraw: Mix!

[New Mix juggles props promptly for a few seconds. Circus music plays in the background.]

Gobba and Kraw: Mix!

[New Mix is wearing a tank top and backwards baseball cap. He street performs smoothly and moonwalks off-screen. Hip-hop music plays in the background.]

Gobba and Kraw: Mix!

[Mime Mix returns and dances off screen. Accordion music is played again.]

Gobba and Kraw: Mix!

[New Mix is wearing tights and holding a boombox, swinging back and forth on a rope tied to his waist. Rock music plays in the background.]

Gobba and Kraw: Mix!

Gobba & Kraw Mix: (Wearing a Shakespearian outfit, holding a skull, talking in Kraw’s voice. Harpsichord music plays in the background.) To mix, or not to Mix. That is the question.

Gobba and Kraw: Mix!

Gobba & Kraw Mix: (Wearing a coconut bra, Carmen Miranda fruit hat, and fake eyelashes. The feather boa that was in the prop chest is now around his neck, which he slides with his hands while he dances. He speaks in Gobba’s voice. Tropical music plays in the background.) Boom chicka boom, chicka boom, chicka boom, chicka boom, chicka boom, chicka boom, chicka boom.

Gobba and Kraw: Mix!

Gobba & Kraw Mix: (Wearing a yellow shirt with blue necktie, holding a microphone. He talks in Kraw’s voice. Seinfeld-esque bass riff plays in background.) That's no Nixel, that's my brother-in-law! (Audience laughing as he laughs to himself, turns off-screen in shock.)

[A pie splatters onto the screen with a “PIE” logo similar to the “MIX” splash.]

Gobba and Kraw: (Off-screen) Pie!

[Gobba and Kraw are panting exhaustedly. Cut to Vulk, Slumbo and Volectro, sitting at a voting table. They each press a button and the red X in front of them each buzzes on. A disappointed groan is heard from the collective audience.]

Gobba and Kraw: (Sadly) Mix.

[Turns into the Mime Mix again as downbeat accordion music plays. Mix draws a tear under his eye. Iris out onto the tear.]


"Hamlogna Conveyor Belt Madness/Transcript"
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