Mixels Wiki

Hello everyone! This is SonicAsura back again with a new blog! This idea had just popped in my head & I thought maybe we should have others see our artwork. I call it the Mixels Wiki Character Show! Basically it'll be event on the Wiki where anyone can join in. Each person will send in Mixel artwork in either of these 4 categories.

Tribe Pride: If you are confident in your skills, then enter your Mixel OC Tribes into this category for others to enjoy!

Mixes in Action: Show your creative flair by posting your own OC Mixes in this category!

Murp Impossible: Show the wackiness of your OC Murps in this category!

Clash of the Maxes: Let your OC Maxes roar in this action packed category by displaying their unique powers!

The Mixels Wiki Character Show will start when I at least get 10 or more people to join in & I'll make blogs for the characters to display. Answer on the comment section if you want to join! I hope you guys will enjoy in this event! SonicAsura is out! Peace to you all!
