Mixels Wiki

Major Nixel: Mwahahaha! With this potion (Holds up purple potion) I plan to bring King Nixel back to life! Then, using my newest invention, I'll help him take over the world!

(Major Nixel pours the potion on King Nixel's ashes, and he comes back to life)

Major Nixel: Mwahhaha! Welcome back, King Nixel!

King Nixel: Enough of that. Bring me my new suit.

Major Nixel: Well, here it is!

(A door opens and there is a HUGE robot suit)

Major Nixel: I call it the King Nixel Ultimate 5000!

King Nixel: Excellent, Major Nixel. I suppose you've finally done something useful?

(Cut to Mixopolis. Flain, Seismo, and Volectro are taking a walk)

Flain: Do you smell somthing?

Seismo: Me smell Nix.

Flain: Yeah, me too!

Volectro: Hahahahahaha! Don't be zzzzilly! King Nixel was defeated a long time ago! We're perfectly zza--

(The King Nixel Ultimate jumps from a hill and roars)

The Mixels: Uh-oh.

Flain: Guess you were wrong Volectro! ATTACK!

(The King Nixel Ultimate shoots lasers out of its hands. Seismo is hit by one and screams. Nobody notices)

Volectro: Hey Flain! Let'zzz Mix!

Flain: All right!

(They touch the Cubit and Mix)

King Nixel: Ha ha! What a puny Mix! I'll squash it like a bug!

Flain and Volectro Mix: (With Flain's voice) Don't think so!

(The Mix shoots an electric fireball out of its head. The fireball hits the King Nixel Ultimate and makes it malfunction, causing it to run away)

(The Mix splits)

Volectro: Yeah!

Flain: Wait... Where's Seismo?

(They see him lying in a hole in the street)

Flain: NOOOO! (Shaking him) Seismo! SEISMO!

Volectro: Flain... He's dead...

(A lava tear runs down Flain's cheek. And then his eyes burst into HUGE flames)

Flain: AHHHHHHH!!!

(Cut to Mixel Heaven. Seismo appears there)

Voice: Ah, Seismo. I knew this day would come.

Seismo: Wh--who you?

Voice: I am the Maximum Mixel. And not the silly shadow puppet the Nixels set up. How did you die, Seismo?

Seismo: Me try to fight-fight. But me hit by laser.

Maximum Mixel: Oh, Seismo. That potion Major Nixel made revived King Nixel.

Seismo: But that mean friends revive me, too?

Maximum Mixel: Major Nixel is the only being I know of able to make that potion. So yes, your friends can revive you, but they'd have to steal the potion.
