Mixels Wiki
  • Shuff: Ceramic Pirahna Rex, Porcucobra, Tigerscorp, and soon [imagines Ceramic Teddy Butterfly] Ceramic Teddy Butterfly. Available online TODAY! I buy now! [Clicks the "Buy Now" button and the Item gets shipped] Wonder when arrive. [hears a knock on his door then opens it]
  • [Zorch puts some mail in a mailbox and runs off]
  • Shuff: [sees a note on his door and peels it off to read it] "Sorry, I missed you. - Postman Zorch"?
  • [Another knock on the door and Shuff opens again, only to find that there is no special delivery but another note on his door with the same message
  • Shuff: [growls and takes the note off of his door] "Sorry, I missed you. - Postman Zorch"?!? [rips the note in pieces and calls Seismo on his phone] Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up... 
  • Seismo: Hello?
  • Shuff: Seismo, Zorch deliver; I keep missing!
  • [Seismo digs into Shuff's house]
  • Seismo: Zorch fast, but we Cragsters stop him with rock-solid plan.
  • [Scene changes to outside Shuff's house. A boulder lands behind Shuff and Seismo jumps down]
  • Seismo: Boulder wall stop Zorch stone cold. You get Teddy Butterfly!
  • [Zorch zooms pass Shuff and Seismo and over the boulder wall, and another note flutters down]
  • Shuff: "Sorry, I missed you."...? [Stares at each other]
  • [Scene returns to Shuff's house, where Shuff is calling Krader this time]
  • Shuff: Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up...
  • Krader: Hello?
  • Shuff: No Teddy Butterfly! Help!
  • [Krader digs to Shuff's house]
  • Krader: Zorch fast, but I have rock-solid plan! [Scene changes, outside Shuff's house again.] We dig, we hide, Zorch here, we catch; Teddy Butterfly! [Zorch puts in some mail and runs off] QUICK! DIG-DIG!
  • [The Cragsters dig and Zorch comes zooming]
  • Krader: I catch Zorch!
  • Shuff: I catch!
  • [Zorch plays whack-a-mole with the Cragsters and zooms off, leaving all of them covered in notes.]
  • Shuff: Guys, I have rock and solid plan! [The Cragsters touch the Cubit and they max to chase after Zorch]
  • Cragsters Max: Time to crush your rush! [The Cragsters max chases Zorch, and then transforms into a boulder. Zorch sights the boulder with a shocked look, and then the boulder gets closer, and closer, until it finally reaches Zorch.]
  • Zorch: [Hands Shuff a package] Package for Shuff.
  • Shuff: It beautiful! Ceramic Teddy Butterfly! I got it! My plan worked! Woohoo! [laughs] Oh, yeah! [Throws the Teddy Butterfly on the ground and his laughing turns to sobbing and then crying] Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho! Ho ho! Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha...! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-hah! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!